My Absence Explained

Some of you out there may have noticed a great deal of lagging on my part for keeping this blog up to date. I have to plead guilty. 

In some small part it is due to opening my own BJJ Academy and making sure it is running well. Which it is, and is giving me great joy in being to spend at least six, and sometimes seven days a week on the mats teaching and training as my full time vocation. 

A large part is due to a family medical situation that has been going on for the past nine months and has turned me into a full time caregiver/housekeeper/laundry man/cook/everything else person, and that has been far more important than blogging. 

But it is also due in some measure to the fact that I am somewhat tired of social media and all the negatives that go along with that. I have gone weeks without looking at Facebook or Instagram, or looking at comments on my posts here, and my sanity and blood pressure is much better during those periods. It is extremely nice to not have to hear about how prominent YouTubers are talking crap behind my back (because they don’t have the testicals to do it to my face even though I am very easy to find), and how others on social media have an infantile need to attack others. There were days I even managed to avoid the national news media, and strangely enough, I did not suffer any ill effects! 

However, as my caregiver needs are becoming less demanding, I will get back to wading back into the occasional sewer waters of social media and I will try to get back to a regular posting schedule. I am going to shoot for a minimum of two a week, but don’t hold me to that! That is just a starting target. 

Thanks to everyone for still wanting to hear my blatherings.