Those of us who teach Integrated H2H and weapons are used to certain tropes that keep getting trotted out to try to diminish or dismiss what we do.
Probably the dumbest is ”if you are rolling around on the ground grappling then things have gone wrong!” This is said in a way to suggest you don’t need grappling or that those of us who teach it are somehow teaching to always voluntarily go to the ground! Which, as anyone who has trained with us can tell you is as far away from the truth as possible.
But more importantly in regards to that moronic quote cited above is that it expresses the idea that grappling is always a choice. The reality is quite different. You know what is a far bigger indication that things have gone wrong? That you are fighting for your life in the first place! Regardless of on the ground, standing up, or at extended ranges, it sucks. And thinking that you can’t control being assaulted, but you can control where it goes is the height of stupidity.
Just think and don’t pass on idiot cliches.