Sadly, far too many people in the gun training community – especially instructors with less than 10 years of experience – tend to not know history. It is too bad, because there is so much to learn and do many ways to not waste time repeating old mistakes if we only took a bit of time to see what came before.
A case in point is Louis Awerbuck’s seminal book “More Tactical Reality”. It is the sequel to an earlier book of his, and this one is made up of a number of his columns that appeared it SWAT magazine. Most of the chapters in the book were published before 2002 and there are tons of exaplmes of him thinking ahead of the standard group think in the training community back then. Take a look at some of these samples:
Do yourself a favor and go find a copy. You can thank me later. I give the book 8 .45acp rounds (out of 10) as a rating.