Entangled Weapon Fight with Private Citizen #1,789

I know these things don’t happen, so this news story of a private citizen in an entangled gunfight with a bigger, stronger, younger man must be fake news…..

Yes, that was sarcasm. It is tiresome to hear “SMEs” and YouTube Influencers continue to try to say these thigns don’t happen, just because they can’t/won’t/are too lazy to train this area for themselves, and instead of being honest, they construct a fake narrative.

These things DO HAPPEN. They are not every single weapon encounter, but they are easily proven to be statistically significant by any measure. Saying otherwise is either willfully lying or willfully ignorant. In the last 20+ years of being publicly online, I cannot even count how many of these I have put up for the world to see, and I don’t do every single one I see. This one is just a random one that a student sent me and happened recently. It involves literally everything I and other instrutors like me teach.
