Contact Us

36 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Hi Cecil,
    I hope that all is well.
    Please could you give me some more information on the seminars that you are doing in September in the UK. I would like to know the material that you woul;d be covering and also cost.

    Do you have any represantatives in the UK who teach your system? I am interestedin all of the material, it sounds great. I would love to find out and train in the use of brazilian ju jitsu against weapons.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,

    Manohar Ruprai

  2. Hello, I am currently a new member of a police special response team as an unarmed medic and am looking for practical training and skills to apply to my position should the need arise. I have heard great things about your training and would like to get some hands on training as my department does not currently offer much in the line of unarmed combatives. I am based out of the Phoenix AZ area and was wondering if you had any recommendations to gyms/trainers in the area. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Josh – Paramedic, TEMS Medic

  3. I recently attended your training seminar in Albuquerque. I was very impressed with the format and the quality of training. Your teaching ability was on point. Thank you again. I look forward to attending more of your classes.

    1. Thank you very much! It was great training with you. I hope we can do it again sooner than later. If there is anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask.

  4. My orthopedist has restricted further training in Tae Kwon Do as a consequence of injuries to my knees suffered during the last 18 months of training that aggravated my arthritis. Is BJJ an alternative that will spare my knees while providing fitness training (especially burning calories)? I’m 64 and have lost over 80 pounds over the last two years (no surgery, just lifestyle changes that include 5-6 sessions/week at the gym and TKD). I like the idea of a martial art that is a better combatives fit than sport TKD. If BJJ is a good alternative to TKD, how can I choose a school near me that will meet my needs? Thanks.

    1. I believe BJJ is a terrific alternative because most of the work is done on the ground, so you can limit the impact on knees, and you should be able to control the amount of energy in drilling and sparring in BJJ to help keep your knees form taking excessive impact.

      As for finding a school, you want to look at the belt level of the instructors (making sure they are high up), that they make it a point to offer training for everyone not just the young athlete, and that they have a high ranking mentor/coach themselves. Those are good indicators that it should be a good place to train at.

  5. This is Scott Trowbridge from up in Chinle, AZ. We met at an ECQC class Craig taught at “Cow Town” a few years ago. I will be taking it again this Oct in Albuquerque.

    I don’t get to PHX much but would be interested in coming down to roll/train during your Monday and Wednesday classes on occasion if possible. Does Megaton offer day passes? What would I need to bring?

    Lastly what is the cost for the IAP/IAJJ class in ABQ through Tom Jones?


  6. Hello Cecil i was referred to you by John our ccw instructor we are a homeschool community and would like to have a course for our teenagers and moms, and some dads please call me or text me since i will be coordinating this class, we live in surprise but are willing to travel here on the west side. please advice

  7. Hello, I would really like to be notified when the new schedule comes out for 2018. I’m looking for a close contact handgun class in AZ, thank you sir!

  8. Cecil
    I heard ya on Civilian carry radio on pod cast
    Can you make any recommendations for a training class in the south metro of the twin cities , Minnesota for jiu jitsu training
    Thank you

  9. Greetings, I’m located in central Florida and am interested in attending your seminar in Miami at the end of September. Can you provide the registration details? Thanks!!


  10. Just tried to buy DVD Surviving the KO Game but it wouldn’t accept my address to ship to Virginia!
    Says there are plenty of copies remaining.
    What can I do?

  11. Do have info where the IAJJ/IAP course is going to held in Fairfax, Va on 20 – 21 October?

      1. Thank you. I see my punctuation matters. 🙄
        It was supposed to say, revolver, grips and holster.
        Ive always had j frames and am kind of curious what the consensus is on the LCR. That looks like it might be an lcr. Trying to get ahead of the game outfitting a youngster with good gear selection advice.
        Thank you

        1. Sorry for the late reply. The webpage did not send me a notice you commented. I apologize.

          It is an LCR. I really like the gun. With those grips especially it is a good shooting fit for my hands. I generally run it with 32HR mags and those are sweethearts in the gun. The holster is the ankle rig from Wilderness Tactical. Very, very comfortable.

  12. Cecil
    Do you have a January class scheduled? I thought i received a msg about it but I cant find it.
    Thx B

  13. I’m looking for more info on your course 10/1-3/21 in Lacrosse, WI
    Course prerequisites/requirements/equipment/expectations etc

    Sorry didn’t see anything on the site and Chuck’s site references your site for info


    1. I apologize for the delay, but we are still finalizing some details. It is hard for the three of us plus the host to be available to handle the final stuff. It should be soon though. Keep an eye out on this page. Thanks much for the interest!

  14. Coach,

    Can you post the contact information, required method of payment and tuition cost for your coursework in Orlando, Florida on Sep 18th & 19th?

    Thank You,

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