Training Planner Trick

Once again, we turn to the problem of how we fit in all the training we need to do as an integrated, multi-disciplinary thinking tactician (using Craig Douglas’ excellent description). How do we fit it all in, and make sure we are actually training?

One quick and easy method that has helped me immeasurably over the years is the use of a desk calendar. I am talking about the big type that you can get from any of the big office supply stores. Here is a sample of one of mine from a few months ago.



This is how I use it. I look ahead at the next two weeks. I know what my current general needs in training are and I jot down what I want/need to do over that time. I know what kind of time crunch my life and schedule puts on me, so I try to be as realistic as possible and I never write down some idealized plan. It is always what I can actually do with a little focus and effort.

If you look at the picture above, you can see my focus was on BJJ, boxing (including standing clinch and weapons work), dryfire, and my LSD (long, steady distance) cardio block. The weather was awesome so it was great to run at night when the temperature was about 75 degrees, so I went heavy on that and put my strength or metabolic work programs on hold. I also tried to get some live fire time in. I try to do either one competition (the local USPSA club runs a terrific Thursday night fun shoot – semi-outlaw and geared to welcoming new shooters. It is perfect to get some solid work in), a shooting course, or just a trip to the range to get some rounds downrange. I co-hosted Craig Douglas for his fantastic Vehicle Combatives and Shooting Tactics course, so I was guaranteed some live fire there. Anything else in the month was going to be a bonus.

I scribble down at the beginning of the week what I want to do for the next two. Then I can use that to guide me and keep it fresh in my head what is coming up. What I found to be too typical if I did not do this would be that during the day something would come up – tough or long day at the office, poor sleep the night before, something up family wise – and I would forget the plan for the day. When you realize that you forgot only when you are getting into bed at 11:30 at night, it is generally too late. With this method, I could keep an idea every morning what I needed to do and that gave me time to try to implement it, regardless of what popped up.

Take a look at the February 17 as a perfect example. I was flying out that day to teach in central Texas. I would be at work for a couple of hours, then leave for the airport, fly there, then rent a car and drive another hour and a half to my destination. I was not going to get to the hotel before 10PM. And then I would have to prep for teaching the next day. So if I just stumbled my way through, there was a fairly decent chance I would forget about getting any training in until too late. Using the calendar reminded me to not let that happen. So when I got to work in the morning, I saw that and I grabbed my SIRT pistol (which I use in my seminars) and got in a couple of minutes of presentation and trigger press. Was it a lot? Not at all, but it was a lot more than I would have most likely gotten in if I had not already made the reminder.

Hopefully this gives you one more tool to help get in as much training as you want.

Finding A Good BJJ School

I get the question a lot on how to find a good school to train at. I have addressed it a number of times here and variopus places online, but it is a continuing issue for new people just getting into the art. Stephen Kesting of Grapplearts  ( )just posted up a good video that I agree heavily with. Check it out:


Be Gray


There is a common saying in the tactical training and self-defense communites: Don’t be prey; be a predator.

At first glance, that is a really cool thought. Don’t we all want to have a mental self-construct of being capable and powerful (especially if it is so obvious to outside observers that we can frighten off potential attackers)? Of course!

There is an underlying problem there though that all too often gets short shrift in the community. Without a doubt, none of us want to look like prey. That is all too readily apparent. But do we truly want to look like a predator?

Before you answer yes, think about this. In the wild, if you are a predator, are you immune to attack? Obviously not. So who is attacking? Other predators! And sometimes, that other predator may be the apex predator of the area. For example, when a young lion wanders into new territory already occupied by another lion, the resident lion is not going to let that pass. He will want to keep his food supplies to himself, as well as his access to his sexual partners. The same holds true in the world of Violent Criminal Actors (VCA). They too want to maintain their control; of the resources and sexual partners, as well as having the added need to maintain “respect”. And the VCA will not act as the animal in the wild does. He will not obviously challenge his new rival. Far from it. The VCA will do whatever it takes to maintain his dominance. If that means sucker punching, or hitting from behind, or bringing a gun to a fist fight, or even bringing friends, he will do so. He will do whatever he can do to keep his apex predator spot.

And to make this situation worse, we may not even know that we are challenging some thug. We may have our situational awareness switched on, but this type of thing may not help us if the other guy sets up an ambush dedicated to taking us out.

So if we don’t want to be prey, and being a predator may put us directly in the line of fire, what do we do? The third path. Being the Gray Man (or woman).

Anyone who has been smart enough to take any of William April’s coursework will understand that criminals have a very simple binary decision tree to do their violence. It is go or no-go. There is no “maybe” in the process. If you look like someone they can rob or assault, they do it. If you look like anything but an easy day, they won’t. It sounds simple, but it is true. They want to do what they need to do to get paid, and they are not interested in a fight. If they look at you and go “I don’t know”, their instantaneous decision to a definite no. That is what the real world research tells us, over and over. So we can use that knowledge and understanding.

If we don’t conduct ourselves like a victim, we won’t be victimized. Walk like you know what you are doing and where you going, pay attention to those around you (Given’s Law – Who is around me, and what are they doing?), don’t be ostentatious in dress or in things you have displayed on you, and you will negate almost all threat from the opportunistic criminal. On the flip side, do not walk around acting like you think you are the hardest hardcase on the planet, don’t mean mug every person you meet, and don’t wear sleeveless t-shirts that are three sizes too small, and you now remove yourself as looking like a predator on the prowl and other predators ignore you.

With simple, easy to implement steps, we make our lives massively safer and more peaceful. Win!

As much as I love the training I have done over the past 38 years of learning to fight, shoot, and be fit, I much prefer to not have to exercise those skills unless they are in a training environment. Life is too short to be occupied with violence.

Be the Gray Man, and have a fun life.

Building Shark Habits




We have discussed previously on many occasions the difficulties in training for the Multidisciplinary practitioner paradigm. We have so many components and (most of us) have so little free time that it often becomes a herculean effort to make sure we are doing the things we need to do. We have to figure out how each of us can best go about building good functional performance across the areas that we know are important. I have written previously about some ideas on how to do so:

Here is a series of YouTube videos where I discuss other methods and tricks :


So as you can see, I talk about this subject a  lot, because I know from firsthand experience how much effort it takes to accomplish our goal. I would like to add another way to get a step further along the pathway. Be a Shark.

What do I mean by this? It is something I read in an article by S&C coach extraordinaire Dan John. He talked about having a shark habit of taking a bite out of something that makes an impact. In other words, when a shark takes a bite out of a meal, it is not a small nibble; He commits to something big and immediately is on his way to having a good dinner. Dan John writes about the same approach to training (in his case, strength, conditioning, and diet). Rather than trying to do a bunch of little things, focus on something that can be done in a smaller package. For example, with the multi-disciplinary approach, maybe we make an effort to get good medical training to handle the emergencies that can come up in life. About 98% of the things we will ever be able to handle without hospital support can be learned in the basic one day Red Cross First Aid/CPR class, and a single one or two day “tac med” course. Then a bit of practice, and maybe take a refresher course every other year, and you will have that box easily checked off.

Or another, get a good introductory defensive pistol class (not a typical CCW class, but  a  full one day in depth class) and then take a weekend class with an experienced instructor who has taught a lot of folks like a Tom Givens. Those, along with some dry fire, some range work every now and then, as well as maybe a few competitions a year will cover almost every conceivable need with a pistol for self-defense.

In other words, we take a committed shark bite out of something specific and hyper-focused that will get us a good return.

We can also take Mr. John’s analogy a bit further. What other aspect of a shark is so obvious? How about the fact he is particularly single minded. He does not dither and lollygag. He wakes up and decides the most important thing to do is eat. He will then go after food until done. Nothing else gets in the way. We can use that idea as well.

Here is how we can implement that. Let’s say you are starting grappling, or wish to, and want to get in whatever work outside of class you are able to do. Rather than jump in and try to think you are going to practice 2 hours a night, and within two days you have already failed, let’s do it in smaller chunks. Here is my assignment for you: For one minute every day, you will do hip lifts and hip escapes solo (for tips, I have some videos on how to perform those movements on my YouTube channel). You will do that EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH. Don’t worry about any other training activity. If you have time to do other stuff, or just more of the solo grappling work, than fine. But don’t focus or even plan on it. All I want you to do is one single minute of non-stop work for one month.  If for some reason you miss a day, don’t worry about it. Just start the countdown all over. No big deal. We all have those moments. Once you have gone an entire month doing this without missing a day, THEN AND ONLY THEN will we add to the program.

When you have knocked the first month out, we can add more time, or a different piece of the puzzle. Say, pistol dry fire. But again, we are going for the bite size chunk, not trying to down the entire sea lion with one gulp. Whatever you add, make it realistic and doable.

We will continue this for a total of three months, adding one piece each month. At the end of three months of daily work, you need to stop, take a breath, and pat yourself on the back, because you have done a damn fine job of building new habits that you can continue for the rest of your life. Be proud, but don’t get lazy! Get back on the job, and keep building. The beautiful thing is that after three months, you will start to see some results, and you will also start to see how you can integrate more and more parts of the paradigm that you can add without any prompting from me. Which is what a good coach should do – give you the ability to think for yourself.

Now I know some people reading this will react with “but three months? I want to be a bad ass now!”. My question is, what are you doing to do it? If you have not done it already, what does it matter that it is not an immediate solution? At the very least, you are on the path, and taking solid steps. That is what is important. Not how fast you get it done. Start building shark habits and do work!

New Interview

A short interview I did this past weekend where we manged to get in a bunch of info, including what I think an instructor should be doing to get better, my main underlying principle when I teach a seminar, and who else you should train with.



New Seminar – Chapel Hill, NC 11/4-5/2017

I will be teaching my fundamental Immediate Action Jiu-Jitsu and Immediate Action Pugilistic Coursework in Chapel Hill, NC on November 4-5th, 2017. This will be set up as two individual days – one day will cover surviving on the ground (IAJJ), and the other day will standing striking and clinch (IAP).  Patrons can attend one or both days as they wish. There will also be the option to attend either morning only if you are time constrained.

Cost will be $150/person for one day, or $250 if you sign up for both. If you want to attend the morning only of either day, that will be $100.

Saturday will be the ground focused day and it will run from 1PM- 9:30PM. Sunday will be the standing day, and it will run from 9AM-5:30 pm.
The location will be:
To register, contact Mike Levandoski at :

See below for coursework description and requirements:

Immediate Action Jiu-jitsu

Real World Application of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a Weapon-Based-Environment
Contrary to popular belief, many empty hand fights and those involving weapons, end up on the ground. No amount of pontificating or self-proclaimed “expert“ posturing will change this simple fact. If you ignore this reality, you may very well find yourself in a situation you cannot handle with disastrous consequences. This course is designed to give the layman a realistic and functional set of concepts, techniques, methodologies, training drills and experiences that will prepare them for a worst case “ground-fight” scenario. All techniques and concepts are high percentile applications, which span a wide spectrum of confrontations. Training consists of presentation, drilling and Force-On-Force evolutions providing attendees with immediate feedback regarding the efficacy of the skills learned. The goal of this course is not to create a “ground fighter” or grappler. The objective is to provide attendees who have limited training time and resources with solid ground survival and escape fundamentals geared toward the increasingly violent weapon based environments they may live, work and/or travel within. And all techniques/concepts are from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and are combat proven over the past 80 years by thousands of practitioners, including the U.S. Army.

•These methods are for everyone regardless of physical condition – young, old, male, female, athlete or not – You DO NOT have to be a professional fighter to perform at a functional level. This will be a class about physical training, but it is NOT boot camp. Participants may go at the pace that is comfortable for them, while trying to push the envelope of their own individual performance.
•Requirements: Loose, comfortable but durable clothes, mouthpiece, knee pads, elbow pads, cup, notebook, and an open mind

The course is divided into modules that address specific situations. Seminars/training can be customized to fit your needs by arranging for the appropriate modules to be covered. Among the topics covered by the modules include:

Surviving/defending/escaping when you are on the ground underneath an attacker
Surviving/defending/escaping when you are on the ground and your opponent is standing
Functional methods of getting back to your feet
Countering takedowns and remaining on your feet
IFWA (in-fight weapon access)
Denying your opponent’s weapon access – understanding technique, positional hierarchy AND timing
Multiple opponents – realistically maximizing your chances
Surviving inside the guard
Proper usage of the guard to win/escape
Defending against punches, elbow strikes, stomps, kicks, etc…
Proper role of “dirty tactics”
Essential training principles, methods, & drills
How these concepts & techniques remain true with or without weapon involvement
Learning to deal with the most common MMA attacks and holds
Recognizing and defending against common submissions (guillotine, rear naked choke, triangle, arm bar, etc.)
Structuring and balancing your training and integrating it into a busy real world lifestyle

Immediate Action Pugilism

Boxing for Self-Preservation in the Weapons Based Environment
Sometimes, in order to defend our loved ones, and ourselves the only tool we might have to rely on is our own body. Even if you have external weapons, you might not be able to access them. Your safety may come down to how well you can survive a hand-to-hand confrontation. The Immediate Action Pugilism course is designed to give the layman a realistic and functional set of concepts, techniques, methodologies, training drills and experiences that will prepare them for a worst case H2H scenario. All techniques and concepts are high percentile applications, which span a wide spectrum of confrontations. Training consists of presentation, drilling and Force-On-Force evolutions providing attendees with immediate feedback regarding the efficacy of the skills learned. The goal of this course is not to create a professional boxer or MMA competitor. The objective is to provide attendees who have limited training time and resources with solid fundamentals geared toward the increasingly violent weapon based environments they may live, work and/or travel within.
All the techniques presented are based on orthodox and MMA boxing methods and are the best, most functional and high percentage moves and tactics available.
• These methods are for everyone regardless of physical condition – young, old, male, female, athlete or not – You DO NOT have to be a professional fighter to perform at a functional level. This will be a class about physical training, but it is NOT boot camp. Participants may go at the pace that is comfortable for them, while trying to push the envelope of their own individual performance.
• Requirements: Boxing gloves (at least 12oz or bigger unless per-authorized by the instructor), loose, comfortable but durable clothes, mouthpiece, cup, notebook, and an open mind. MMA gloves are strongly encouraged, but are not mandatory.

Immediate Action Pugilism is divided into modules that address specific situations. Seminars/training can be customized to fit your needs by arranging for the appropriate modules to be covered. Among the topics covered by the modules include:

Why & How to use Boxing in a WBE

Underlying Concepts and Mindset for useDealing with the Sucker Punch / Ambush

The Default Cover Transitioning to and Regaining the Initiative1st stage of defense – the fighting platform2nd stage of defense – arm motion, footwork, level change

1st stages of offense – jab & cross; proper method of delivering impact safely

Secondary Striking Tools (Eye Jab, Elbow, Knee, Slap,)Fundamentals of the Clinch/Safely Entering
Controlling the Entanglement Individual & Partner Drills.

Gradual introduction and immersion into sparring.

Fighting at Close Quarters; attached and unattached striking.
Disengaging from the clinch.
Safely gaining distance for escape, weapons access, or orientation reset.
Keeping the Fight standing, realistically defending the takedown.
Performance Coaching and Troubleshooting; Insights and Suggestions for Solo Training.
Tips and pointers on how to train the material with the limitations of a real world lifestyle.

Recent Podcasts and Interviews

In the last few weeks, I have been on a few different podcasts and internet shows. I had a great time on all of them and I got to talk a lot on some of my favorite subjects, and in some cases get really deep on them. Check out the links:




Re-Post – Training Priority For A Modern Lifestyle

I wrote this a few years ago and it still pretty much encapsulates my thoughts. i am re-posting it now because later in the coming week I am going to talk about why I list the areas of need in the order that I do. It should give people an idea of those things that I have found over the past 38 years to be the dominant things to train and why. 


A couple of years ago,  I wrote a post on the best Forum on the internet, Total Protection Interactive ( about what I thought was a good approach to trying to establish a solid and functional H2H self-defense game for the regular guy, who only had a small and finite amount of time to train. I wrote the following to give my perspective on how to make the right decisions.

I offer this up only as MY take on priorities in allocating training time for Practical Unarmed Combat (PUC), no one else’s. This is how I categorize it in my head to help with my own structuring. Take it for what it’s worth.

In order of importance, I would list the main skill sets as:

Area 1) Keeping from getting KTFO and efficient movement while vertical
Area 2) Dictating range, position, and attachment or un-attachment
Area 3) Groundwork
Area 4)  Basic high percentage offensive moves
Area 5) Staying on your feet
Area 6) IFWA (in-fight weapons access) at contact distances

So where to train these and where do we get the material from?

For Area 1) Boxing/MT/Savate/MMA – these arts have methods/techniques that work under stress. They all have developed high percentage defenses and ways of moving. I have found most TMAs actually pay mostly lip service to defense. They all are much more focused on the cool offensive moves. And here lies my biggest issue with most combatives guys. They give almost no thought to defense, either in the technique or in flight time training. It’s why I give the thumbs up to very few combatives instructors.

For Area 2) Folk/freestyle wrestling, Greco, Judo, and MMA are the predominant arts here, but any art that has any legit grappling will have some validity. This is essentially clinch work, but unfortunately since so few people actually train it, few understand what it entails. Clinch DOES NOT always mean you are attached. It simple refers to the general range where each participant can easily attach. The person who controls this aspect can also control the range, the relative positioning, and when the space can open up to longer range. In doing so, you can go a long way towards controlling the fight and winning (surviving).

For Area 3) I think BJJ is the highest expression of groundwork in that it works for everyone regardless of physical attributes, but judo, sambo, western wrestling, and MMA are terrific as well (with the understanding that there are some weakness’ with those arts).

For Area 4) This should be good solid material that can be relied on over and over again. There are a lot of arts you can choose from here but the best are: boxing/MT/savate/MMA/combatives. The general thought behind this choice should be what are the highest percentage, most robust, and easily maintained functional techniques?

For Area 5) There are a myriad of reasons a fight might go to the ground, many of which you have no control over. It is a good idea to try to ensure you are as well versed as possible in those areas where you do have control. So it makes sense that the arts that have the highest level of functional takedown ability have the highest development of countering those takedowns. It is hilarious to me to see someone showing how to defend a takedown by demo-ing against someone who has never taken someone down in their lives. Not exactly the best way to ensure your stuff actually works. Try against someone who spends a lot of time training it for real. So we are back to folk/freestyle wrestling, judo, sambo, and MMA.

For Area 6) I placed IFWA here because good IFWA is so dependent on the prior skills. While you do have to put in dedicated training time to this area, IMO it should only be done after you have a reasonable grasp of 1-5. Otherwise, you will find you have a lot of holes, and you will waste time trying to reinvent the wheel , i.e. you won’t know what you don’t know.

Caveats and considerations in training:
Just because these components are listed in this order of importance does not necessarily mean that is the order you should train them in. There are many factors to consider.

First, what is available to you? It would be stupid of me to tell someone to go do BJJ if all they had around them was a guy who got his blue belt online and has never trained with a high level instructor. Or if that gym by your office advertising MMA was actually run by a guy whose background was only kenpo and another guy who was a joke as a blue belt. If the choice is between a top judo program and someone teaching Muay Thai who has never really sparred, then go with the legit program.

Second, some things are much harder to come by. Finding a real wrestling program is like winning the lottery. And arguably the majority of MMA gyms have a low level of clinch work, and often really crappy BJJ. If you find something that is harder to come across, you should most likely jump at that before it is gone.

Third, some of these things are easier to develop a decent level in than others. For example, it takes only a few months to get good at DEFENSIVE clinch work. It takes years and years and thousands of hours of flight time to get decent at OFFENSIVE clinch work, but defensively it is quick to learn to negate what the other guy is attempting. So if you are looking for a functional level, you might only need say six months of focus in this area (you still need maintenance and understand you only have a piece of the overall clinch game). I would say the same thing in regards to learning to not get KOed. Six months of implementing those defensive skills against resisting opponents who are actually trying to hit you will go a long way towards internalizing that skill set. Other skills take much longer. Groundwork for example is the most complicated and chaotic part of H2H.  

And finally, some things have a better bang for the buck. If you are studying a system that covers a bunch of things, you are being more efficient. As an example, most people don’t realize it, but BJJ trains your clinch extremely well. A closed guard or butterfly guard game requires the same general techniques that a standing clinch game does. But because BJJ is generally done in a horizontal manner, people fail to mentally translate that to the vertical plane. And if you are lucky enough to train at a BJJ school that has a strong stand up/judo game, it is even better.

So, taking these things into consideration, you can decide how to prioritize it for yourself. Do you want to focus on the things that require less time, get solid at those, and then tackle the longer harder skills (BJJ, IFWA, counter takedowns), or do you want to get a jump on those ASAP since they do take such a long time to functionalize? Only each individual can answer what is the best path.

As for the question of BJJ being a good fit in a gun/knife context – If it is a good idea in an empty hand situation, it is good in a weapons situation. While there are things you need to tweak, BJJ is a must for a weapon grapple. Period. Those who go through ECQC with a solid BJJ base are FAR ahead of those who don’t have that base. It has been proven time and time again.

The Real “Rock”

I love Rocky Marciano. In my opinion, he is criminally underrated.  I think it has to do with a percieved (by the boxing community) overrating of him during the 50’s – 70’s, and there was a dedicated attempt by many in that community to put him in his proper place. However, they went too far and there was a feeling for the past 30 years or so that Rocky was not all that a great a champion, and nothing could be further from the truth.

He was a phenomenal puncher, had a great chin, a vastly underrated defense, and a work ethic that was literally second to none. No one out worked the Rock, in either the ring or in training camp.

Now, with the ease of seeing old boxing footage that we did not have in previous years, we can all take a look for ourselves, and have our eyes opened that Marciano was indeed one of the greatest heavyweights in boxing history.


When People Who Can’t Grapple Tell you Why It Fails

Throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s, there was a huge push by Traditional Martial Arts (TMA), Reality Based Self-Defense (RBSD)/Combatives groups, and “Tactical” Firearms trainers to dismiss grappling as a unneeded component of a complete fighting picture. They would put up the constant refrains about “not going to the ground because multiples” or “because weapons” or “because of needles and piss in the street” (a sidelight here – I always found this funny, because I never walked around in alleys or under bridges where addicts shot up, so I never found myself in a situation where I would have to fight in that environment. I have been in the worst of urban areas, and the trafficked areas where personal crime/assault occurs is rarely in these areas, and yet many “anti-grapplers” are obsessed with fighting there – Just really weird) and use these clichés as reason why you should not grapple.

The problem that they ran into is that with the prevalence of camera phones and the ubiquity of YouTube, the least experienced layman could see that grappling still happened, regardless of what the combative gurus preached, so the open minded folks sought out grappling instruction so they would not get caught in a bad place.

This left the above mentioned group with a major problem – they needed to somehow address this (so they would not lose business as well as still being seen as cutting edge experts), but none of them had any legitimate grappling expertise or experience. The solution? Call it groundfighting! And use selling terms like “we are not in a sporting grappling match, we are fighting for our lives”. That way, they could ignore the fact that they did not have any depth or breadth of knowledge, they could excuse not doing any competition, and if they ever ended up facing a real grappler (a scenario that you know keeps them awake at night in terror) in a friendly sparring match, they could pawn off the inevitable loss with “that was just for sport. In a real fight, it would be different because I could do x, y, z, “.

So they could sell themselves as experts without putting in any time to, you know, actually learning to grapple for real. Plus, as a bonus, they could sell “groundfighting” instruction to clients as superior to true grappling, and it did not take long to learn! Genius!

Here is something odd though. What other human endeavor do we put value on the knowledge of someone who does not have any true depth of experience in something? Would you go to a restaurant where the head cook has never cooked in his life, and his only training comes from a one day session? Would you hire a nanny/babysitter who has never watched a kid before? Would hire an Uber driver who just got his license the day before? Of course not. So why when it comes to our lives, or the lives of our loved ones, we accept the same level of non-knowledge from self-defense instructors? It makes no sense.

Now, these good folks could get away with it when they stuck to generalities and clichés, and could always be quick to invoke the “too deadly to spar” card. They could sell it to people new and inexperienced to self-defense, and never have to prove anything.

Except that in the current social media driven world, you need to put out video product, and that becomes available for the public to see – a public which includes people who actually know something about grappling. And then their glass house becomes vulnerable to tiny pebbles the wind whips up against it.

Such is the case with the included video. Take a look, and then we will break it down.


So, what are the problems? First, before we get to specifics, let’s look at the underlying issue that completely torpedoes this video. The fact that no BJJ/MMA fighter performs those techniques in that manner, ever. Let me spend a moment talking about why that is so damn important. If someone was teaching you to drive a manual transmission by using the clutch with your right foot, and work the gas and brake with your left, but no car on Earth had the pedals arranged in such a fashion, what good will his instruction do? He can be the coolest guy on the planet, with a super funny YouTube channel, and tons of real world face shooting creds, but none of that would matter. What he was teaching was absolutely wrong because it has no application. Well, that is exactly the case here.

So his supposedly experienced partner starts off with a triangle. He talks about it being locked in. No, it isn’t. The leg is at an angle guaranteed for it to fail. So Holloway is defending against a crap, not real BJJ. That is fail #1.

Fail #2 is the “armbar”. Again, done utterly wrong. There is no posture control, the feet are crossed (a complete beginner’s mistake), and to top it off, he executes it as if he was training with a partner, i.e. not applying pressure to break the elbow. So of course Holloway can hold out and get to his feet! Because it is not a real armbar!

Fail #3. The armbar from the mount. And again, he does it wrong. You don’t lay onto your back and then apply pressure. You use the drop to your back to ballistically apply explosive pressure and the elbow goes right away.

And it continues throughout the video. Not one technique executed the way it is actually taught and practiced in a real BJJ school. Holloway sets up a strawman that does not exist.  I could go on and on, but it will just get monotonous. The performance of the “BJJ/MMA moves” on this trash has the same bearing on reality as using the Die Hard movies as a paragon of proper weapons handling and use. It is all fantasy.

This is a classic example of someone either a) intentionally lying, or b) fantastically and willfully ignorant. In either case, all he is doing is trying to further his agenda of his system being the best, and that you do not need to train grappling. This has to be his sales pitch because he would get worked over at even a mediocre grappling gym.

Don’t be fooled by this garbage. If the instructor/”guru” cannot point to documented experience with grappling, then bet the house he has no idea what he is talking about.

Jiu Jitsu | pugilism | edged weapons | contact pistol