Entangled Weapon Fight Once Again

And again we revisit an entangled weapons fight involving private citizens. Even though many SMEs will try to still insist that these things never happen, they do.

From Texas on September 14th. Take note that neither man is a skilled grappler but it still went to an entanglement. As a matter of fact, the gun being there made the entanglement far MORE likely rather than less. People don’t want to be shot, and if they are not paralyzed with fear, they will instinctively grab for the weapon and/or control. It is stunning to see how so many “experts” can’t grasp this fundamental concept.

Also notice that even though the older man brought the gun to the fight, the younger guy got control and took it, and could have easily used it to kill the older guy. The gun is not a magic talisman that works just because it is there. Nor does it work as an intimidator if the other guy refuses to accept the intimidation. If you cannot control the position and the actions of the other person, and they are within 4-5 yards, having control of your gun is a crapshoot.

Oklahoma City Coursework – Close Contact Handgun

I will be in OKC Oct 22-23 teaching my Close Contact Handgun course.

This class is about NOT GOING HANDS ON. It is all about how to minimize that chance. Which sounds super easy (and we have all the nice pithy phrases to give us mental comfort) but is actually incredibly difficult.

This is the fundamental base where we try to ensure that we don’t end up in an entanglement, and we can use our handgun to maximum effect. There is some very minor physical contact in the class, but it is extremely limited, making the course suitable for anyone who is looking to get their feet wet in the close range self-defense envelope.

In this class we will look at ways to maintain distance, using verbalization, footwork, positioning, and awareness to keep distance from an aggressive criminal, and to utilize the pistol in a manner in which we can prevent him from stopping us. The focus is on NOT getting entangled and having to get into a physical fight, but rather to use the pistol the way it is intended to be used – at a distance.
