rub some dirt on it

Life gets in the way Of EVERYTHING.

For a lot of people, 2020 was a disaster of differing levels. For me, it was pretty bad. I lost my Mom, the matriarch and the voice of wisdom in my family, and while recovering from that, I lost one of my closest friends. And normally my training is a refuge and sanctuary that renews my energy and my mind, but because of covid shutting so much down, that was not available for many of the times I needed it last year.

There were days where I just could not keep up with my regular actions –daily reading and daily training. I also was not much of a good friend or good husband, or good father at times, being distant and hiding from contact. And both of those things fueled the negative feedback loop that I would find myself in. It became easier to beat myself up and stay in that bad place rather than fixing it. And I don’t believe that is an uncommon reaction. We all fall down, and then we look at ourselves as a failure.

Here is the truth. We ARE NOT FAILURES. We failed, nothing more. We have failed in the past, and we will fall short at some point in the future. And so what? That is not us. It is just something that happened and it can serve as a guidepost for those actions in the future.

Don’t beat yourself up for screwing up. Get back on your feet, rub some dirt in it, and get back to it. Smash that goal on the next attempt. Every great person who accomplished monumental stuff failed as well. Take solace that you are on the same level as them and get back to the grind.

You did not go to the gym last week and feel bad? Just go to the gym today! Only worry about what you are doing in the moment. If you don’t feel up to going to the jiujutsu academy, or lifting heavy iron, or doing a long run, or sweating out an intense dry fire session, just go simple and small. Do 10 goblet squats where you stay in the hole for a few extra seconds each time. Or just get ten trigger presses from a low ready position. Or five technical standups. The sky is the limit. Not every training session needs to be a world beater. Just get some work in and feel good that you did so.

Constant daily little bits add up to a lot of work capacity over a long lifetime. That is a worthy goal. And you can do it. Just like I can, and also like me you can be a little less hard on yourself.

Monday reading

I tend to be known as “the jiujitsu guy”. And that is fine because I do love jiujitsu, and I heartily believe in what all can be gained from training in it. However, while I have been doing BJJ for 32 years, I am about to enter my 42nd year of training martial arts and hand-to-hand fighting. I tend to not throw my resume in people’s faces all the time so it is a bit understandable if they can be lazy about how they think about my lane. And every now and then I need to let others know that the depth and breadth of my experience is more than just rolling around in pajamas with sweaty dudes.

Case in point is my long love, study of, and training in Boxing. I was championing boxing as a martial art and a great fighting system in the early 80’s, and I have spent a lot of time working that methodology. I have even fought in a couple of smokers (essentially unsanctioned “gym” fights for pay) when I was at a gym called Top Level run by a great coach named Paavo Ketonnen. I have had a deep love for this system for a long time.

I have a big collection of boxing books including of course history and stories and biographies of fighters, but the ones I have read the most are the instructional. I have a ton of them, going back a long time. My earliest edition is form 1887, and I have some original first editions of instructional from 1903 and 1906. I have spent a great deal of time going deep into them all, and hands down the best one I have ever seen, is Boxing by the US Navy from 1943.

It is one of the very few that actually teaches the concepts behind the punches and truly gets the principals and techniques across as well as can be presented by the printed word (there will always be things missing that can only be seen in actual movement) and is pretty comprehensive.

Unfortunately, as with many great books, it is long out of print. However, it has been reprinted multiple times and sometimes a copy of one of those can be found online used. If you get the chance to own or even just read an edition, take it! You will not be disappointed.

grips and hips

There are a lot of things to remember about what we have to do in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Hundreds of techniques, different positions, thousands of counters, a large number of principles and concepts that we have to be doing at all times; in short, a long list of things to not forget, and all of it can be altered in the blink of an eye by what our partner does. It can be daunting, especially to the beginner, thinking about all of this and trying to figure out how we are going to remember any of it in the heat of the moment all while another person is trying to choke us into unconsciousness.

There are a number of mantras that try to help us put this into understandable chunks. Perhaps the most famous in Jiu-Jitsu is “position before submission”. All of these are good and useful but what I have found as an instructor that works particularly well even with complete beginners are three simple words. They are: grips and hips.

What I mean by that is that most things in Jiu-Jitsu are only accomplished when you have good and superior grips and your hips are dominating the fight (i.e. can exert more control over your opponent’s hips and base). It doesn’t really matter how good you are at a particular technique if your opponent has his grips and he is shutting down your hip movement. Conversely, if you have superior grips and you can use your hips in the manner that you want to, you will find that you can make a lot of techniques work even if they are not your particularly best performed ones. 

Techniques are not the important part of the fight. Techniques are only guidelines to physical action. The key factors are what are the drivers that allow those physical actions. Base, posture, position, pressure, are some key ones that are not attribute based, as well as the idea of keep breathing (it may be shocking but beginners forgetting to breath is a chronic event). Similarly, the simple focused idea of always fighting for the best grip possible, and always fighting for the best hip position is easy to remember and does not have to be tied to a specific way of doing it. My methods of using my hips and establishing my grip may be best for me, but for you, another method may be superior. Think of any technique that shows those things as guidelines and suggestions, but don’t get bogged down in them and go into mental vaporlock trying to remember them in the middle of training. 

Watch this short video of a master of grips and hips. Note how Mateus always makes the adjustments on both that keeps him in control. Every successful attack is preceded by a solid control of these two things (also take VERY careful note that after each attack he takes the time to stabilize his post-attack position by making sure he has new established grip and hip superiority so he does not get reversed or countered):

To sum up, don’t try to remember every technique all the time. Remember the principles and framework of jiu-jitsu. If you can consistently do that, you will learn to see the appropriate time for the technique.

When in doubt, get grips and hips!


When it comes to being a good instructor we can talk about a lot of things. We can discuss not having your ego in the way and that it’s about your student and not you, or we can talk about being enthusiastic about the material, or we can discuss truly caring about making your student better, or we can talk about being a good and continuing student yourself. But perhaps the most important aspect to being a good instructor is something that is little discussed.

That little discussed part is the inherent belief in your own fallibility. We have to always assume that we don’t know everything and that we can be wrong at any given moment. We have to remember that we’ve been wrong in the past, we are probably wrong about something in the present and we will certainly be wrong at some point in the future. 

It is easy as a successful instructor to start to believe your own hype. You most certainly will have students who are very happy with your teaching and will pat you on the back. Perhaps your peers and even people you look up to as mentors will also compliment you on your prowess . While this is something that makes you feel good it can also be Insidious and lead you to believe that you are perfect. And none of us are. Ever.

All of us , from the newest teacher to the instructor who has been doing it for 40+ years, are susceptible to the same things. We can be wrong. We won’t know everything at all times. We may not have the depth of experience to be able to properly instruct every single student that comes across our threshold. Understanding that is key to making sure that we  are always testing ourselves and our material and our instructional capability by diligent study and making sure we have people who can help keep us in check.

This is an important aspect  – i.e. apprenticeship –  that is lost on many people in today’s modern society where apprenticeship is not really followed or understood in most areas. Unlike most of the centuries past where all the important skills in society were passed down from Master to Apprentice, today people, thanks to the internet and even more so social media, can start to believe they know things before they truly KNOW things.  Having a mentor or mentors who can guide you on your path and help to steer you correctly as well as having peers and friends who care enough about you to call  you on your own BS when appropriate is a key part of ensuring that you are always going to be doing your best as a teacher to your own students.

Don’t believe your own hype, assume you may have stumbled and made a mistake, and find trusted people that you can rely on to keep you moving forward in the best way possible. Only then do we deserve the title of teacher.

changing paths

Few things are sadder to me than someone refusing to see a better path.

I was reading a book last night that was a recently written instruction manual dealing with defensive firearms use, and the author was a 25 year LEO who had a lot of time with the firearm being taught. It was fine until I got to the part where he – in writing – says that another technique is probably superior, but that he is too old and set in his ways to change. Say what?

I cannot wrap my head around that. He has seen the other technique and has seen how well it works, but because he has put time into something else he refuses to alter what he does? That is not admirable, nor is it about integrity or dedication. It is the exact opposite in fact.

Refusing to go to something better is just foolish. Regardless of how long you have done something, if something demonstrably better comes along, you need to accept it. If that makes you a student rather than a “guru”, then so be it.

I had multiple decades in other martial arts before I did much BJJ. I had deep dives in 8 or 9 different systems, with instructor certifications in most of those. At the same time, I probably dabbled in 20+ other methods ranging from a few years to a few weeks of training. Many of them I very much enjoyed and was pretty good at, and most of those were the accepted “cool” martial arts, especially in the 80’s and 90’s. Moreover, the ones I was an instructor in were fairly easy to teach. I could look good and made people believe I was some fighting master, even if I was out of shape, and did not require a lot of effort to teach or demonstrate. And even better, the techniques and methods were kind of flashy at times and new people quickly felt like they could use them. That is a proven way to keep students.

I could have easily spent my time continuing to do those arts. I had every reason to do so. Except for one overwhelming contrary reason that kept poking me in the brain. I FOUND A BETTER WAY. I found a method/delivery system that was more combat effective, and worked for more people, and could be maintained for a lifetime. It meant I had to humble myself and be a student again, and I had to admit to people that what I did before was not as good as I thought or portrayed, and it also meant I had to work much, much harder as a teacher to teach the new material.

So I switched to the combat sports template I have been practicing and teaching for the past 25 years. At times I wished I had stayed teaching mindless patterns of movement because it would have made my life easier. Easier to teach, and I would not have had to stay on top of my own personal performance the way I have to now. But that is morally, intellectually, and physically lazy. It would also be ethically corrupt to teach potentially lifesaving skills that I knew to be sub-optimal.

Don’t be like the author I talked about. Always challenge yourself, and if there is a better way, then go to that path no matter what it means. You only cheat yourself when you ignore that.


I have been a knife nerd for as long as I can remember, even prior to becoming a martial art nerd. There has always been something that appeals to me about a good and functional blade. Even something like a Japanese chef’s sushi knife is fascinating to me.

Unfortunately, when I was at my most edged weapon obsessed – when I was spending hours a day training some Filipino Martial Art system, I rarely had the money to indulge in the need to buy them all. High school and college had me as a poor student, and then not too long after graduating from Arizona State I got married and had a kid on the way and what little money we had went to that. So I did not buy too many of the blades I coveted; they were just out of my wallet range. The only ones I could really semi-collect were kukris.

For those who don’t know, the Kukri is the traditional blade of the Nepalese Ghurka soldier and has been for centuries. I was able to buy a couple of the good versions Atlanta Cutlery sold in the 80’s and 90’s, as well as a crappy BudK knockoff. They were stinking cheap (I think the Atlanta ones were around $30) but built like a tank. Not particularly fast in the hand, they were excellent field tools. I abused the hell out of mine.

Then as I got a bit more free spending cash, and the internet made things a bit easier, I found Himalayan Imports on Blade Forums. Uncle Bill, the owner, was married to a Nepalese woman and built an import business bringing in authentic Kukris made by hand in local villages. He had a set catalog, but on occasion would get extra shipments of different Kukris, including versions that individual craftsmen came up with (there is no one single Kukri form – there are hundreds of versions all based on villages and areas in the country) and sell them at a discount. I bought a number of these. I had a small 8” bladed version that I kept in a SHTF backpack in my car. I can’t find it now and must have lost it in the move to the new house a few years ago.  I also had an older WW1 era version of the one issued by the British Army to their Ghurka troops. It was big and heavy with a pronounced belly and it was a great chopper as well as a pretty good hammer. I actually used it to do yard work at my old house. It made easy work of cutting down branches from Palo Verde trees. Not particularly mobile or quick moving, but it packed a big chop.

I also had an HI version of the 90’s era British Army issue Kukri. This was an improvement over the WW1 version as a general utility tool. Not as big or heavy, it was still a good chopper, but lighter and easier handing, and easier to carry on a belt or attached to a backpack.

The Himalayan Imports one I liked the best was a Sirupati model. The Sirupati is lighter and has a thinner handle, and the angle of the blade turn is not as pronounced. It tends to be thought of as more of a pure “fighting” Kukri, and a bit less of an all around model, though it still does a fine job at general tasks. This is the one that really got my FMA nerdiness going when I first got it.

I had not bought any newer Kukris in years since I am not a “collector” in the truest sense. I get things to use, not just to have, so I didn’t feel an overwhelming need to buy more. These tended to cover any possible need I had for this size of blade. That is until about six weeks ago when talking to a buddy of mine who was also a knife nerd, I got a bit nostalgic and went online to look at Kukris and to see if there was anything new under the sun. And to my surprise, there sort of was. A company called Kukri House had a nice website and a good and wide selection of blades, and they were also suppliers to the British Army, and as such, had the latest model being issued to Ghurka troops in British service. The new current Army issue is a tad different from the previous one and I decided to buy one. My total cost was only $72 dollars and I only had to wait a month to receive it. Considering the current shipping and mailing issues going on, I felt that was more than fair coming from Nepal. Another nice touch from Kukri House is they send you a bio of the person who actually crafter your particular blade. That was kind of cool. It made it a bit more personal and almost like I was getting a custom blade without paying a custom price tag.

And the blade itself? In my opinion, this is the ideal Kukri. Big and heavy enough to be a solid chopper, it is also light and fast in hand, that makes it a good fighting weapon. And this model has a less pronounced angle, so you can actually get a good straight thrust attack, which cannot be said for almost any other Kukri. The thrust angle is somewhat reminiscent of the TDI Kabar knife. The handle is without a doubt the most comfortable one I have ever held. It is almost as if it had been made specifically for my hand. This is a blade that can be carried easily for long periods or easily stored with survival gear in a car and it takes up little room. I really wish I had found this kukri a long time ago. Now excuse me while I go play with it with the giddiness of a schoolgirl.

Subject matter expert?????

One of the things that keeps showing up over and over in the self-defense training community  is the question of who is exactly a “subject matter expert” (SME) and how they become such.

There is much controversy over things like length of time doing something, how well you do it, and how well you communicate, but sometimes there are some signs that can point to someone who knows what they are doing.

In my opinion, a sure sign of a SME is that they are still working hard to get better even though they have been doing a task for a lengthy time and have accomplished some significant goals. I have trained with a number of great performers in different disciplines and one thing they all have in common is a desire to keep working on their own skill set, and rather than them talking about how great they are, they spend far more time talking about how they need to do more or work harder or find another teacher to help guide them. It is a marked contrast to so much of the typical discourse on social media in our current age.

This was hammered home to me recently when I was listening to a podcast that was interviewing Angus Young from AC/DC. I don’t think that it can be argued that Young is truly an SME of guitar playing and that if he is not one of the greatest guitarists of the past 50 years, then he has certainly been influential and he has a distinctive playing style that separates him from the pack. And yet this guitar great said this:

“I’ve been doing it all this time now, and I’m still learning”

And this is in reference to him playing the band’s own songs, most of which he had a hand in writing and has been performing sometimes nightly since the mid-70’s! And he still is trying to get better at it, and does not think he has reached the stage of knowing it all.

So be like Angus. Stop telling everyone how much you know and what you have done, and instead keep the nose to the grindstone and try to improve on your performance regardless of where everyone else thinks you are. Then, when you do speak, you speak from humbleness and not ego.

Strength vs. cardio training

 There are a lot of arguments that happen in the self-defense training community. 9mm vs. 45, AIWB vs. strong side carry, WML on a pistol or not, spare mag carry or not, knife carry or not, hand-to-hand training or not, ad infinitum. Almost all of the acrimonious debates are a massive waste of time, and do little to make people safer and more capable.

One minor argument, but one that may have far more reach and functionality, is the discussion over whether cardio or strength is more important in a fight.

Both sides are passionate in that focus. The strength proponents will say that being strong enough to overpower an opponent is a good way to ensure that the fight is short and cardio does not enter into it. The pro-cardio side will say that you cannot know or ensure that your fight will be over in a few seconds. Think of the recent situation from Florida where a disabled elderly man had to fight off three home invaders while the police did not respond even though they had set up a perimeter around his house. He had to continue for a long extended time (over 15 minutes!). Your fight may end in seconds, or it may not. And along those lines, how many times have you seen online experts advocate “just running away” from an attack. How far and for how long do we need to run? Are we assuming that the bad guy will not bother to chase, or will give up after a few steps? And if he doesn’t? And you need to run a mile or even more before you escape, but your cardio sucks because you have never bothered to run?

As in most debates of this nature, I tend to be the one who says “it depends”. I think both sides have much merit, and once again, it comes down to specific and individual context. It is absolutely a good idea to be as strong as possible because at the very least it prevents you from being overpowered even if you are not strong enough to overpower the attacker. And it is just as good an idea to have as good a cardio engine as possible because as anyone who has been through a life or death assault can attest, those few seconds can seem like hours and you do not want to gas out under that level of stressor.

Outside of ego or financial reasons to argue for one side (don’t be surprised when that coach who is known as a trainer for powerlifters or Olympic lifters pushes for everyone to focus on strength), you need both. I will entertain no discussion about that. Both are needed, in different amounts in different situations. It is all well and good to say “get as strong as possible”, but if you are 5’ 2” and weigh 120lbs, you will never truly build the strength to outmuscle someone 6’ 2” and 230lbs. It is just not possible for most people to reach those limits. Conversely, you may have great cardio and go for hours, but if you have little power, you may find yourself still controlled and thrown around by that bigger, stronger, but less conditioned attacker. Both qualities are important and should be trained. The real decision, in my opinion, is how we allocate precious training time to each side of this equation.

Few of us will be able to have the free time to train as a professional fighter and it is difficult to find enough free time to do what we want. Add to that the very real item that we also have a lot more skills to work on H2H, shooting, medical, legal understanding, pre-fight threat containment, etc.  So a major aspect of our focus is to figure out how to get the most out of what time we have.

Here is a suggestion for the strength and conditioning (S&C) work – Your immediate focus should be on which one you are most deficient in. How do we determine that? The best way is by doing some kind of fight oriented training. Taking the ECQC course with Craig Douglas, or MDOC with Paul Sharp (or my coursework even) will give you a weekend look at where you have the greatest gap. Did you gas out right away and had a hard time getting work in? Then obviously cardio should be the main thing to work on. Or did you get manhandled by your training partners? Were they able to control and dominate you and kept you from performing the physical skills you were attempting? Then you need to move some iron. Look at your most dire gap, and start to work on it.

For some, it will certainly be strength. I have always been okay in that department, but I have had severe asthma my entire life, so my cardio is a massive and ongoing concern. I absolutely need to make sure that my lungs can overcome the bronchial constriction that I will experience in a life or death encounter. We all have to make that calculation, but do so from an honest assessment, nit from what you prefer, or what some Subject Matter Expert has said.

I like the approach of doing 4-8 week blocks of singular focus. For example, currently I am doing a strength block. 3 days a week I am lifting some heavy weights and making sure I have moved the needle forward in that arena. While doing so, one day a week I do a basic 45 minute long, steady distance (LSD) cardio workout for general maintenance. Along with 3-5 days a week on the BJJ mats, this keeps my cardio at a reasonable state. When I reach the end of the current cycle, I will most likely transition to a focus on the cardio with multiple days doing that, with a single strength day for maintain what I have achieved.

By the way, here is a really nice feature of strength work. You can indefinitely maintain gains there by one workout a week of a near maximal, low volume, low rep session. So as long as you do that, you will not lose anything. I wish the same could be said for cardio, but the best we can hope for there with one day a week is a slower loss. But still, we have some flexibility in our long term planning.

If you want to really look at this area, there are a few resources I would advise. Drop me an email if you would like some direction. One that I am hoping will be available soon is an e-book written by Larry Lindenman for Point Driven Training. I have a copy and it is a terrific “one stop shopping” info manual on training for not just S&C, but nutrition and mobility work as well. He has not finished it or made it available for sale yet, but I am trying to convince him to do so. If it happens, I will shout about it everywhere I can. Keep looking here.

push daggers – a brief tutorial

After my recent article about the new El Nino push dagger from Shivworks Product Group, I received a number of inquiries about not just that specific blade, but push daggers in general. As a follow up, I decided to do something for everyone to read.

From the early 2000’s to roughly 2007, I was in a full on deep dive on push daggers. As a long term Filipino Martial Arts knife-centric geek (my training in FMA started in 1984, though I had been reading and trying to do it on my own since 1980) I had toyed with push daggers n the past, but they are not optimized for a normal FMA outlook. However as I shifted to a more combat sports focus centered on boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling, and Brazilian Jiujitsu, the PD became more interesting and useful, because it is an ideal platform for someone who has a classic boxing fighting game.

Whereas FMA and other blade oriented arts spend much of their time on intricate slashing and varied stabbing patterns, the push dagger is much simpler – lock the handle tightly in your clenched fist and punch. Punch the same targets as in the same manner you would if you had a bare knuckle closed fist. Think the long straights of the jab or cross and the tight infighting strikes of an uppercut or shovel hook. You do not need to change anything, and you do not have to spend an extraordinary amount of time to build the push dagger techniques into your already existing fighting methodology. Essentially all you have to work on is making sure your hand is holding the PD tight and firm.  But you should have that tight a fist formation even as a pure empty hand striker, so it is not intrinsically different, which is quite unlike trying to add in the classic FMA/Indonesian/Japanese/or other typical knife fighting system.

The other vital area to ensure the best outcome is to focus on precision in your hits. Don’t just throw strikes at general areas, but rather a precise and defined spot. One of the reasons people hurt their hands when punching in the street (besides a poor fist formation) is not targeting small areas. If you think of “hitting the head”, that is probably what you will do, to include bony skull. If instead you try to hit the small moustache notch between the nose and mouth, you will be far more likely to come close to that and not inure your knuckles. Think of the proven shooting adage of “aim small, miss small”. On a similar note, blades are not great stoppers and that can be exacerbated by just stabbing blindly. Again, purposefully looking for a precise spot will make for a more effective result, and even be more humane because you will not have to stab someone 37 times to produce an effect.

And if you also have a solid “dirty Boxing” game (i.e. a combined clinch and striking method where you control the opponent as you fire off close range strikes), it is even more effective. Having dominant positional control while firing push dagger fueled shots into the bad guy while he has little say in the matter makes for a pretty good self-defense plan, and makes for a better method for stopping him from committing more violence on you or your loved ones.

And an even better add on is that each side of the equation helps minimize the deficiency on both parts. The weakness of striking is that no matter how hard you hit, you are limited in power by size/mass. You can have the best mechanics but if you weigh 140 pounds, you will not hit as hard as the 250 pounder with crappier mechanics. There is a reason that great lighter weight boxers, even ones known to hit hard like Roberto Duran, never won a heavyweight championship. By putting a sharp metallic object in there, it significantly up scales what you deliver when you land that strike. And the weakness of the push dagger (or any blade for that matter) is that sometimes the bad guy does not know he has been stabbed and it had little immediate effect. However, when you are hitting them with good mechanics, power, and precision, it amplifies what is felt by the attacker in a way that him being stabbed alone does not accomplish.

While it is a fairly simple step to go from a boxing game to adding a PD into the game plan, you do still need to put a bit of time into specific training. Obviously you need to get used to holding it and being mindful of the blade and you need to get used to the handle being in the middle of your palm as you make a fist, but you also need to understand what it feels like to strike something hard and unyielding. This is the step missed by about 98% of the PD makers because if they took the time to test their own blades in this manner, they would not be putting out the designs that they do with features like too long a junction between blade and handle (probably the most egregious violation with most PDs). I suggest a small step first to make sure that the blade is not going to turn or collapse in your hand when you make contact (and my first step whenever I test a new PD) is to take a bunch of cardboard and fold it over or stack different pieces until they are about 18 inches thick, wrap it all over in duct tape, and attach it to something that gives a bit like a heavy bag, and then start striking it. Just make sure that you start with minimal power and gradually amp it up. You may also want to wear some kind of protective glove. I have cut myself on a few poorly designed push daggers in the past when I tested them in this manner. Having an extra safety layer to protect the hand can be a nice bonus.  If you can hit the cardboard full force and the handle stays locked in place, then move up to tougher targets. My favorite ones are 5 – 10lb bags of rice or beans wrapped in duct tape (I like doing this because it helps simulate clothing and/or skin resistance without going beyond realistic expectations). Not too expensive and easily obtained, but still gives a reasonable response.

Before you carry one and rely on it for self-defense, make sure you vet any push dagger by actually doing this step. Do not skip it.

Once all the above is understood, there still remain two potential drawbacks to the push dagger.

The first drawback to consider, and one I cannot help you with, is the legal aspect. Many jurisdictions ban any kind of PD. If so, then I strongly advise you to not ignore this fact. Using a banned weapon, even in an otherwise legally justified situation, may go against you. This is an important but often overlooked point.

The other problematic area is that regardless of how you carry, it is close to impossible to effectively set the sheath up in way that the blade is equally accessible and deployable by either hand in an ambidextrous manner. And in truth, this is the main reason I finally went away from primary carry of a push dagger. My main knife is the Craig Douglas designed ClinchPick and I prefer to carry it as Craig envisioned – on the belt, forward of the hips, with the handle pointed in towards your centerline at a diagonal angle. This allows absolute equal access by either hand. No matter what the position you find yourself in, even if you are pinned to the ground belly down with the bad guy on top, as long as you can articulate the elbows, you can get the ClinchPick out. I tried to achieve this same thing with a PD but could not solve the problem. I had multiple custom kydex sheaths made to my specs, and tried untold number of places and spots on the body to match this hugely helpful carry method, and none of them worked. If one hand was optimized, then even if the other hand could reach the knife, it was with much more contortions or extreme angles. In other words, not optimal for a life or death struggle where every second and inch count.

Now, this is not necessarily a deal breaker for some folks. After all, we already give up that same ability with our typical handgun carry set up, and most of the time with our spare carry ammo. Yes, I know we all work on that weak hand only draw from our appendix rig, but how truly functional is it? It is possible yes, but far from a good thing. For some people, having the pistol set up for right hand draw, and the PD on the left side with the plan that the left hand will use it is a pretty good concept. I offer this possible negative aspect not to tell you to completely dismiss the push dagger in your personal system, but merely to ensure you are aware of any possible problems. I myself still carry a Special Circumstances Sominer Infernus PD on a Chris Fry designed Pocket Shield in my left pocket many times, and I am completely comfortable knowing that it can only be drawn by my left hand. I just have made other plans when that is not possible. No big deal, as long as we plan ahead.

To sum up, the Push Dagger can be a very viable and useful tool but like all tools (to include the EDC pistol) we need to do a bit of work to put it to its best use.

Old vs new

It’s funny that we are always looking for the new hotness. Somehow, we have an inherent belief that if something is newer, it is automatically better. In every area, the new thing completely replaces the current thing in our heads.

The bitter truth is that most of the time, we are wrong. Sure, on occasion something cool comes along that is truly different and it a leap forward, such as the introduction of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. However, that is the exception that proves the rule. Generally, the newer thing is just a repackaging of old, or it is different but has no added value to what already exists.

Here is a perfect case in point. I originally read this book, John Jesse’s Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia when I check it out of the Phoenix Public Library in 1980. I checked it out 4 or 5 more times over the next year, until finally I tried to buy it for myself. Keep in mind this was decades before the internet and the convenience of Amazon. No bookstore in the state of Arizona had it in stock (I know, because I called pretty much all of them). It became the first book I ever had special ordered thanks to a helpful employee at B. Dalton Bookseller in Paradise Valley Mall. Over the next few years I went through this book and make notes all through it, until eventually I had to buy a second copy to keep it readable and look nice in the bookshelf.

In this book is literally everything you need to know about strength, condition, mobility, and training programs to get anyone into a good solid fighting condition, not just for “wrestling” but as a general prep to fight or defend yourself. As I said, I first read it in 1980, and followed a couple of the programs (the ramp up for running guide in particular is genius).

So, did I do the smart thing and ignore most of what I saw that came after and pursued this methodology to get in the best condition possible? Of course not. This is me we are talking about. I jumped after each new “discovery” I made after that, to include some truly epic dumb crap (Gold Gym’s Book of Strength Training for example – basically bodybuilding programs tailored to different body parts to prep you for a specific sport – soooooooo stupid). Now, some stuff that I found after were great, like the bulk of Dan John’s work, or the stuff that Joel Jamieson put out. But for the most part, I wasted a ton of time chasing the new shiny squirrel.

So many times I would like to go back in time and bitchslap the hell out of 20 year old Cecil. He was such an idiot.

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